Our Services


Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. It encompasses the way people live, think, communicate, and interact within a specific community.


Painting is a form of visual art that involves applying pigments, colors, or other mediums to a surface, typically a canvas, paper, or wall. Paintings can be created with various techniques and styles, and they have been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years.


Sculpture is a three-dimensional art form that involves the creation of physical objects or forms, often by carving, modeling, or constructing materials. Sculptures can be made from various materials, including stone, wood, metal, clay, plastic, and more. Like painting, sculpture has a long and diverse history, and it encompasses a wide range of styles, techniques, and purposes.


Craft refers to the skillful creation of objects or artifacts using manual dexterity and often traditional techniques. Crafts are typically associated with handmade and artisanal production, and they can encompass a wide range of materials and practices.


Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression in clothing, accessories, footwear, makeup, hairstyle, and body proportions. It is a cultural and social phenomenon that reflects the prevailing styles, attitudes, and values of a particular time and place.

Tourism Potential & Tour Package

The tourism potential of a destination is determined by various factors, including natural attractions, cultural heritage, infrastructure, and activities available for visitors. Tour packages are pre-arranged travel itineraries that include a combination of transportation, accommodation, meals, and guided tours or activities.

Museum & Artifact

Museums play a crucial role in preserving, showcasing, and interpreting artifacts, which are objects created or modified by humans that have cultural, historical, scientific, or artistic significance. Museums serve as repositories of knowledge and cultural heritage, providing a space for education, research, and public engagement.

International Heritage Magazine

A magazine is a periodical publication that contains articles, photographs, and advertisements, often on a specific topic or aimed at a particular audience.

Research Centre & Library

A research center and a library are institutions that play essential roles in supporting academic and intellectual activities, fostering learning, and advancing knowledge. While they share some common functions, they also have distinct purposes and characteristics.

Africa Cuisine & Culinary

African cuisine is incredibly diverse, reflecting the continent’s rich cultural, historical, and geographical influences. It is characterized by a wide variety of flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques. Due to the vastness and diversity of Africa, it’s important to note that there isn’t a single “African cuisine”; rather, there are numerous regional and ethnic culinary traditions.

Raw Material

The term “raw material” refers to the basic substance or material used to manufacture or create a product. Raw materials are typically natural resources or primary commodities that undergo processing or transformation to become finished goods.